Wishing You Had Better Orgasms? Check Out the O-Shot Procedure!

The stigma surrounding sexual dysfunction is real! For many women, the pressure to orgasm makes sex borderline unenjoyable or stressful. Many women even completely defer from discussing orgasms due to fear of judgment, feelings of inadequacy, or fears of not satisfying their partner.

Sexual dysfunction can negatively impact many areas of your life outside the bedroom, so it’s time to talk about it! At our medical spa in Draper, Utah, we have a solution. The O-Shot is available for women of all ages to increase their sexual function and enjoy better, more satisfying orgasms. Are you ready to take your sexual performance into your own hands? Keep reading to see how La Belle Vie can help.


What is the O-Shot?

An O-Shot is just one of many types of PRP (platelet-rich plasma) treatments for your vagina. PRP is a kind of therapy where, after drawing your blood and placing it into a centrifuge, platelet-rich plasma is injected into the affected area to promote natural growth factors.

One of the great things about PRP is that everything used in the procedure is all-natural. All the plasma used in PRP treatments comes directly from your own blood.

The benefits of injecting PRP into your vagina include increased sexual desire and arousal, increased lubrication, heightened sensations, and better orgasms!

Did You Know? You Can Now Book the O-shot Treatment Online!

What Is O Shot Treamtent

Who is a Good Candidate for the O-Shot Procedure?

Women of all ages are eligible to receive the O-Shot treatment to improve their sexual function. Virtually any woman who wants to increase sexual pleasure and arousal may consider getting this treatment.

However, those who will likely see the most benefit from an O-Shot procedure are women who have previously struggled with sexual desire, lack of sensation during sex, or difficulty achieving orgasm. Additionally, those who have noticed sexual changes after significant life milestones like giving birth or menopause may also see heightened results from an O-Shot procedure.

Related: Orgasm Enhancement for Men? Check Out the P-Shot!


What Should I Expect During an O-Shot Procedure?

During an O-Shot procedure, a women’s health expert at La Belle Vie will walk you through the process and discuss aftercare and what to expect. So you’ll be in control every step of the way.

The procedure will consist of three main parts:

  1. First, a vial of blood will be drawn, which will go into the centrifuge to extract the PRP.
  2. Then, a topical anesthetic will be applied to the clitoris and vagina to make you more comfortable during the procedure. Anesthetics may also be injected.
  3. Finally, your clitoris and G-spot will be injected with the PRP as soon as the area is numb.


What Should I Expect After an O-Shot Procedure?

After the injections are complete, you will be ready to get dressed and leave the office, with the procedure taking no more than 30 or 40 minutes in total. The recovery process from the O-Shot is relatively short, and most patients won’t experience any discomfort for more than a day or two. This will likely be limited to some local sensitivity. You can return to regular activities as soon as your O-Shot procedure is complete and you leave the La Belle Vie office.

You May Also Like: FemiLift – A Non-Surgical Treatment for Vaginal Rejuvenation!


How Much Does an O-Shot Procedure Cost?

The O-Shot is not covered by health insurance, so all costs related to the O-Shot procedure must be paid for out of pocket. Typically, O-Shot procedures can run anywhere from $1,200 to $2,500. This cost will depend on your provider, how much plasma is needed, the number of injection sites, and more.

You can call the La Belle Vie office to schedule a consultation if you want a more in-depth analysis of your total cost. We have many payment options. Financing is available, and we have a membership program that might work for you. We also have frequent monthly specials you can take advantage of.


How Long Does The O-Shot Take?

From start to finish, the procedure should only take between 30 and 40 minutes to complete in the office. After that, since there is virtually no downtime, you don’t need to worry about taking any time off from work or normal activities.

In terms of the actual effects kicking in, you will typically feel enhanced sensation within the first week due to the injected PRP fluid. A few weeks after the procedure, new tissue will begin to develop. This will peak around three months after the procedure, and these results can last a year to 18 months.


How Long Should I Wait to Have Sex After O-Shot?

You can have sex the same day as your procedure if you really want to! Since the treatment is simply a set of injections, there is no downtime and no reason not to resume your normal activities. No abstinence is needed after receiving an O-Shot, which is part of what makes the procedure so great.

See Also: The Vampire Facelift — Your Own Platelet-rich Plasma for a Nonsurgical Facelift!


Is the O-Shot Painful?

An O-Shot procedure may be slightly uncomfortable for a moment, but it is usually never painful. Many patients actually describe Botox injections as being more intense than an O-Shot. And some doctors have expressed that their patients’ pain level typically never goes above a two. Also, since topical and injected anesthetic are applied before administering the PRP, you will be completely numb throughout the procedure.


Are There Any Complications to the O-Shot?

As with any cosmetic procedure, there are some potential risks you should be aware of. Since
this is a groundbreaking new procedure, it is not yet FDA-approved. After receiving an O-Shot, some patients have experienced allergic reactions, bruising, swelling, pain, soreness, scar tissue, vaginal sensitivity, etc. There may be other side effects as well. Discuss these with your doctor. And be sure to bring up any previous complications you may have had undergoing aesthetic procedures.

Related: Have You Heard of PRP Therapy for Hair Restoration in Draper, Utah?


Should I Get the O-Shot?

The O-Shot is a great way to enhance your experience in the bedroom, as well as increase pleasure for both yourself and your partner. If you have struggled with achieving orgasm or under sensitivity during sexual intercourse, the O-Shot could give you the boost you need to feel confident about your sexual performance and function.

Curious to learn more about the O-Shot? Reach out to La Belle Vie in Draper, Utah, today!

Kelly Lance