Priapus Shot (P-Shot) and the Priapus Toxin™ in Draper, Utah

Do you want to improve your sex life? Are you looking for real male enhancement? If you answered “yes” to either question, then the P-shot is for you! La Belle Vie has been a leader in the advancement in male enhancement and erectile dysfunction. We now have more that one option for treatment! La Belle Vie, located in Draper, Utah is a medical spa offering the revolutionary P-Shot and the new Priapus Toxin™ Shot treatments which can vastly improve your sex life. These two treatments can be combined for maximum results. Our licensed team of experts expertly administering both the P-Shot and the Priapus Toxin™ Shot can help you lead a happy sex life with our personalized and caring approach. Read below to learn more and contact us for a free and private in-office consultation to see how we can help you reach your goals. We have fantastic monthly special offers and affordable financing.

What is the P-Shot?

The P-Shot is a cutting-edge sexual enhancement process designed to rejuvenate the penis and enhance the growth of new tissues to achieve improved erections. This is beneficial to men who have succumbed to prostate cancer, an enlarged prostate, post-surgical effects, and diabetes leading to loss of sexual function. It is a contemporary medical procedure that effectively assists with erectile dysfunction (ED), unlike other treatment methods.

The P-Shot (Priapus Shot) is a sexual rejuvenation procedure invented to bring lasting improvements to men’s sexual wellness. In the P-Shot procedure, it is your own body giving the platelet-rich plasma making it a more natural approach to treat erectile dysfunction.

The P-Shot delivers results that cannot be realized by other treatment options including creams and pills.

What is the Priapus Toxin™ Shot?

The Priapus Toxin™ injection works by blocking nerve signals that cause muscle contraction. As a result, the injected muscle will relax and no longer contract. It works by blocking the nerve impulses sent to the vessel walls, which are normally in a constricted state. The Priapus Toxin™ shot can be combined with the P-Shot for the ultimate in ED treatment and improved sexual satisfaction.

The Priapus Toxin™ Treatment is perfect for men who struggle to get an erection. Good candidates have had prostate surgery, a stroke or other health condition that prevents or limits their ability to have an erection.

Botox works by temporarily relaxing the smooth muscle in the walls of the blood vessels carrying blood to the penis, thereby significantly increasing blood flow. The Botox works by creating a wider diameter so the vessels are able to carry a greater volume of blood thereby improving erections.

Botox (also known as botulinum neurotoxin) is a neuromodulator produced by the bacterium clostridium A. It is the same neurotoxin used in other cosmetic procedures.

Benefits of P-Shot Procedures

The P-Shot is indicated in erectile dysfunction and for men wanting to experience stronger, longer, and firmer erections. It’s effects last for 1 year.

Some of the incredible P-Shot results include:

Increased penile blood flow and circulation

Enhanced firmness of erection

Increased sexual stamina

Enhanced pleasure and sensation

Enhanced sexual capabilities

Increased strength and appearance where needed

Resolved or improved discomfort from prostate

Better straightened length and instant largeness of penis

Corrected damages resulting from diabetes

Restored self-confidence

Adding Botox injections with the PRP (P-Shot) injections has been shown to significantly improve the above benefits plus the following:

Stronger and longer-lasting erections

Increased length and girth of the penis

The Priapus Shot for Peyronie's Disease

Peyronie`s disease is a prevalent disease in men caused by the formation of fibrous scar tissue inside the penis. The plaque is the reason behind the curving of the penis which subsequently causes very painful erections. However, it should be appreciated that there are varying sizes and shapes of penises and not all men with curved penises have Peyronie`s disease.

P-Shot is a clinically proven, non-surgical Peyronie’s Disease treatment. Following P-Shot administration, the plaque gets dissolved allowing the curve to be straightened, and sexual functions are restored. This disease is very common, but there’s no need to just “live with it.”

Frequently Asked Questions

The best way to know which procedure is best for you is to come in for a private in-office consultation with our experienced Nurse Practitioner. She will take a thorough health history to determine which procedure is best for you. Men who’ve recently had prostate surgery, had a stroke or other medical conditions that make having an erection difficult are ideal candidates.

The results of the P-shot in terms of erectile function can be immediate. Men who have received the injection have gone home and were better lovers that night! Noticeable P-Shot girth gains in size could take a few weeks to notice.

The Medical experts at La Belle Vie perform the P-Shot procedure by first applying a numbing cream to the penis and drawing blood from the arm. The blood is used put into a centrifuge and is what is used to create the PRP. The shot is then given, and the local anesthetic makes it a painless procedure that can be accomplished in 30 minutes.The growth factors incorporated in the PRP revive existing blood vessels and stimulate the formation of new blood vessels. The aftermath is a significant enhancement of penile blood flow which is imperative for the restoration of erectile dysfunction. 

The P-shot is injected into the corpus cavernosum and into the head of the penis with a very small needle.

The P-shot is recommended for men of all ages and walks of life. You are an excellent candidate for the P-Shot procedure if:

  • You take ED medications such as Viagra, Levitra, or Cialis.
  • You want increased sensitivity and increased girth.
  • You can’t take ED medications, or don’t want to have to take a pill every time.
  • ED medications are no longer effective.
  • You have been diagnosed with Peyronie’s Disease.

To achieve the best results, we provide you with a vacuum pump used to stretch the penile tissue. The action of pumping spurs the PRP and other ingredients composing the P-Shot to continue the regenerative process to optimize the length and girth of the penis.

A brief visit is highly recommended one month after your P-Shot procedure. A second P-Shot may be necessary at this time depending on the outcomes of the first shot and your providers’ opinion.

The effects of the P-Shot can last 6-months to a year or more, which makes the cost effective when compared to male enhancement surgery.

The P-Botox Shot lasts 3 months.

It is the only nonsurgical alternative to increase penis size when compared to male enhancement surgery that is expensive in the long run. The P-Shot, for the most part, is considered an elective medical procedure that is not covered by most insurance companies.

Bocox $1900 includes pump

P-Shot – 100 units $2,700.00

P-Shot – 100 units with PRP $3200.00

Bocox combined with the P-Shot  $2200.00

We use numbing cream and the Nitrous Oxide to assist with the pain of injections.

The procedure is 30 minutes and can be offered on its own (just Botox) or with PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma).

Yes, Neuromodulator injections (Botox) could be especially effective for those who do not respond well to Viagra or Cialis

La Belle Vie Medical Care & Aesthetics is a P-Shot and Priapus Toxin™ Provider in Utah. Schedule a consultation with La Belle Vie in Utah to see how we can help you achieve a satisfying sex life again.